
AnnouncementDaerahFoodHalal CertificationMitraNasionalNewsUpdateWilayah

Hospital Nutrition Installation Must be Halal in October 2024: RSM Siti Khodijah Issued Halal Certificate Through LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah

Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu A memorable experience was felt by Muhammadiyah RSM Siti Khodijah, which succeeded in obtaining a halal certificate

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DaerahHalal CertificationMitraNasionalNewsUpdateWilayah

LPH-KHT PP Muhammadiyah Attends AsDI National Dietitian Workshop in Mataram

Assalamu’alaikum Your Halal Friend The Central Board of AsDI (Indonesian Dietitian Association) held a National Dietitian Workshop which was held

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AnnouncementHalal CenterNewsTokohUpdateWilayah

MUI Secretary General Encourages Muhammadiyah Bandung University as Halal Industry Research Center

Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu MUI Secretary General Buya Amirsyah Tambunan delivered remarks at the National Workshop which was held in the

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Halal CertificationInternasionalMitraNasionalNewsUpdateWilayah

Here’s Why Logistics Services Should Have a Halal Certificate

Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu Logistics is a series of efforts that include the effectiveness of planning, implementing, and monitoring the process

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Halal CenterNewsTokohUpdateWilayah

Gathering and Submission of the Profile Compilation Book of LPH-KHT PP Muhammadiyah with the Halal Center of Muhammadiyah/Aisyiyah Higher Education (HC PTM/A)

Members of the Management of the Thayyiban Halal Inspection and Halal Study Institute (LPH-KHT) PP Muhammadiyah along with the Halal

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