Product Halal is Guaranteed, Thanks to LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah Halal Audit – Testimonial of RSI Hasanah Mojokerto
Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu
The Nutrition Installation of the Hasanah Mojokerto Islamic Hospital (RSI) located on Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No.26 – 28, Mojokerto City has received a Halal Certificate through the halal audit services of LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah with the scope of Provision of Food and Beverages with Processing.

LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah appointed 2 (two) halal auditors, namely Prof. Dr. Hana Catur Wahyuni ST, MT and Syarifa Ramadhani Nurbaya S.TP., MP in the halal audit process of the RSI Hasanah Mojokerto nutrition installation.
“LPH KHT Muhammadiyah auditors carry out their duties professionally and carefully in checking the requirements of halal documents and conditions in the field of business actors, so that business actors get a guarantee of the halalness of their products. Thank you LPH KHT Muhammadiyah,” said RSI Hasanah Mojokerto Management.
Supporting the Halal of Your Products with LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah Halal Audit Services
LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah is here to provide halal audit services that not only meet standards, but also ensure that every step of your production process is in accordance with Islamic law. We understand the importance of halal assurance for businesses and consumers, which is why we work with dedication to provide accurate, comprehensive, and reliable audits.
Our Services: Not Just an Audit, But a Commitment to Halal
- Registration & Direct Consultation: The first process you will encounter is an easy registration and live consultation with our team. We are ready to help you understand every step of applying for halal certification and prepare all the necessary documents without any confusion.
- Thorough Document Check: Our audit process starts with a thorough check of your submitted documents (document review), including raw materials, production process, and relevant licenses. We ensure that everything is in accordance with the halal standards set by Islamic law and existing regulations.
- Onsite Audit: Not only checking documents, the Muhammadiyah LPH-KHT auditor team also goes directly to the production site. We see and analyze directly, ensuring that the entire production process runs according to halal provisions. The safety and cleanliness of production facilities is also our main concern.
- Raw Material & Production Process Analysis: We analyze all raw materials used in your production process to ensure that there are no ingredients that conflict with halal principles.
- Certificate Monitoring and Renewal: Our process does not stop once you get your halal certificate. We also provide regular monitoring services to ensure that your products maintain the halal standards that have been set, and are ready to renew the certificate when needed.
We Are Ready to Support Your Business with Reliable Halal Audit Services
Not just fulfilling the requirements, LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah is committed to maintaining the integrity and quality of halal products produced by business actors. Our service is a form of real support to ensure the halalness of your product, while providing a sense of security and more trust to consumers.
Trust your halal audit to us, and make halal products one of the advantages of your business!
Halal Is Our Need, Our Quality and Our Choice
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Telepon: 081211003241
Alamat: Jl. Menteng Raya No. 62