Halal CertificationNasionalNewsUpdateWilayah

JULEHA Training, Realizing Slaughter in accordance with Islamic Law

Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu

The Halal Examination Institute and Halalan Thayyiban Study (LPH-KHT) PDM Jember in collaboration with the Center for Halal Center Studies at Muhammadiyah Jember University has held Halal Butcher Training (JULEHA) and hygienic Qurban meat processing, at Muhammadiyah Jember University on Saturday, June 8, 2024.

In the slaughtering process, the role of JULEHA or Halal Butcher is very important to ensure that animal slaughter is carried out in accordance with Islamic law and applicable laws and regulations. This aims to produce safe, healthy, whole, and halal meat (according to Islamic law).

Attended by representatives of Muhammadiyah Branches and Twigs throughout Jember, the Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Jember Regional Leadership, Prof. Aminullah El-Hady, M.Ag. also gave a mandate. He said that this target is very appropriate, because to carry out Islamic laws, it is necessary to educate the heads of branches or twigs first. According to him, slaughtering in accordance with sharia guidance will provide good quality, so that it can be enjoyed by the community as well. Prof. Amin also added that this slaughter training avoids small things that can hurt animals.

“In principle, sacrificial animals must be slaughtered, but do not make the animal feel torture,” said Prof. Amin.

Then, the chairman of the event who is also the Daily Board of Trustees (BPH) of Muhammadiyah Jember University, Dhofir Catur Bashori, SHI, MHI, is planning a special certificate for the slaughterers. According to him, the certificate will make people more confident in the slaughterer.

“Many people can slaughter, but what about the procedure, whether it meets the rules of Sharia. This slaughterer certificate will be the answer,” he said.

In this activity, also attended by expert practitioners, namely Firman Adi Wicaksono, A.Md. Kep (Chairperson of JULEHA Jember Regency), drh. Rifki Nugroho (Head of Bangsalsari Animal Health Center), Dr. Safruddin Edi Wibowo, Lc. M.Ag. (Lecturer of UIN Khas Jember) and Ara Nugrahayu N., S.TP., M.Si (Lecturer of Agricultural Industrial Engineering Study Program of Unmuh Jember).

With this training, it is hoped that the participants can apply the knowledge gained in the implementation of Qurban worship in the community, so that the Qurban worship performed is truly in accordance with Islamic religious guidance and provides great benefits to the people.

Halal Is Our Need, Our Quality and Our Choice!

Source: Public Relations Unmuh Jember https://www.jembermu.com/

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