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What are the Responsibilities of the Halal Management Team?

Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu.

Before you register for halal certification, please note that you must prepare a Halal Supervisor and Halal Management Team. Both are an important part and must be present in companies that apply for halal certification.

In the previous discussion, we discussed the role of the Halal Supervisor in Halal Product Certification at website

Halal Supervisor is an individual who is responsible for overseeing the implementation of halal standards in a company or organization.

Based on the Halal Product Asurance System (SJPH), it is stated that Top Management, in this case the business owner / company head, is responsible for forming a Halal Management Team and / or Halal Supervisor.

The following are the duties and responsibilities of the Halal Management Team:


  1. Supervise PPH in the company;
  2. Determine corrective and preventive actions;
  3. Coordinating the halal product process; and
  4. Accompanying the halal auditor during the inspection.


  1. Implement SJPH and the provisions of laws and regulations related to JPH;
  2. Prepare the PPH plan;
  3. Implement PPH control risk management;
  4. Propose replacement of materials;
  5. Proposing termination of production that does not meet PPH requirements;
  6. Make reports on the implementation and supervision of PPH;
  7. Conducting a review of the implementation of PPH;
  8. Prepare materials and inspection samples for halal auditors; and
  9. Show evidence and provide correct information during the inspection process by halal auditors.

The following documents are required for Regular Halal Certification

  1. Application letter
  2. Registration form
  3. Legal aspect: NIB
  4. Halal Supervisor Document
  5. Product name list
  6. List of products and ingredients used
  7. SJPH manual
  8. Distribution permit or SLHS (If any)

Halal certification can be through LPH-KHT PP Muhammadiyah.

Halal Is Our Need, Our Quality and Our Choice!

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