
Difference between the Main and Primary Halal Inspection Body (LPH)

Check out the differences between LPH Utama and Pratama

Main LPH

  1. The number of halal auditors is more than 3 (three) people at the main LPH and branch LPH:
  2. Has a halal auditor competency certificate with the ability to examine and / or test techniques according to the scope of competence of the proposed LPH; and
  3. Halal auditors for overseas work area assignments are supported by adequate foreign language skills.
  4. National and / or International inspection work areas
  5. The criteria for business actors examined include all categories of business actors (micro, small, medium and large).
  6. The laboratory owned and/or cooperated with is accredited; and
  7. Has been operating with the LPH Pratama qualification for a minimum of (one) year or is designated as an existing LPH in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.

Primary LPH

  1. The number of halal auditors at the parent LPH and branch LPH is at least 3 (three) people and has a training certificate and / or halal auditor competency certificate, with the ability to examine and / or test techniques according to the scope of the proposed competency LPH.
  2. Inspection work area in 1 (one) province in accordance with the domicile of LPH.
  3. The criteria for business actors examined include micro and small businesses; and
  4. Having a laboratory or other institution cooperation agreement with a laboratory that has not been accredited or has been accredited.

Halal Is Our Need, Our Quality and Our Choice!

Source: Peraturan BPJPH No. 1 Tahun 2023 tentang Pedoman Akreditasi LPH

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