Difference between the Main and Primary Halal Inspection Body (LPH)
Check out the differences between LPH Utama and Pratama
Main LPH
- The number of halal auditors is more than 3 (three) people at the main LPH and branch LPH:
- Has a halal auditor competency certificate with the ability to examine and / or test techniques according to the scope of competence of the proposed LPH; and
- Halal auditors for overseas work area assignments are supported by adequate foreign language skills.
- National and / or International inspection work areas
- The criteria for business actors examined include all categories of business actors (micro, small, medium and large).
- The laboratory owned and/or cooperated with is accredited; and
- Has been operating with the LPH Pratama qualification for a minimum of (one) year or is designated as an existing LPH in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.
Primary LPH
- The number of halal auditors at the parent LPH and branch LPH is at least 3 (three) people and has a training certificate and / or halal auditor competency certificate, with the ability to examine and / or test techniques according to the scope of the proposed competency LPH.
- Inspection work area in 1 (one) province in accordance with the domicile of LPH.
- The criteria for business actors examined include micro and small businesses; and
- Having a laboratory or other institution cooperation agreement with a laboratory that has not been accredited or has been accredited.
Halal Is Our Need, Our Quality and Our Choice!
Source: Peraturan BPJPH No. 1 Tahun 2023 tentang Pedoman Akreditasi LPH
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Email: lphkht@muhammadiyah.id
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