
Perfume Containing Alcohol, Is It Unclean?

Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu

Are you still hesitant to use perfume with alcohol? Let’s see the explanation based on the decision of the Tarjih and Tajdid Council of Muhammadiyah.

Let’s get to know it first!

Most perfumes do contain alcohol, which is an organic compound that has a hydroxyl group (-OH) and is attached to a carbon atom. The type of alcohol contained in perfume is ethanol (C2H5OH). Apart from perfume, this type of alcohol is also used for antiseptics, deodorants, cosmetics and others.

Is Alcohol Unclean?

Not a few who think that khamr is forbidden because of the alcohol contained in it. But alcohol is not always identical with khamr.

Khamr is any intoxicating drink, whether from grapes or otherwise, whether cooked or not. In general, khamr is unclean; some say it is meaningless.

Although khamr contains alcohol, not all types of alcohol can be categorized as khamr, so not all alcohol is considered unclean.

So, is Perfume Unclean or Not?

The type of alcohol found in perfume is not unclean, because it is a pure compound produced in the chemical industry, not derived from the alcoholic beverage industry (khamr) through the fermentation technique.

Thus, alcoholic perfume is not khamr, so the original ruling of using alcoholic perfume is permissible. Provided that there are no other unclean substances in the perfume.

Source: muhammadiyah.or.id

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