MM Juice and Pandan Kuring Have Obtained Halal Certificates Through LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah
Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu
A memorable experience was felt by MM Juice and Pandan Kuring brands owned by PT Golden Dolbe, which succeeded in obtaining a halal certificate through the Muhammadiyah Halal Examination and Halalan Thayyiban Study Institute (LPH-KHT), with the scope of Provision of Food and Beverages by Processing.
“Thank God, thanks to ALLAH SUBHANAHUWATA ALLA and the professionalism of LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah, finally the Halal Certificate of PT Golden Dolbe (MM Juice and Pandan Kuring) was issued on October 19, 2023. Thank you for serving the conformity inspection of the Halal Product Assurance System of PT Golden Dolbe (MM Juice and Pandan Kuring). Always success and hopefully LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah will continue to exist so that it can serve business people in the Halal Certificate process both at home and abroad, “said Marianto as the Halal Management Team of PT Golden Dolbe.
Food and beverages are among those that are required to be halal certified in October 2024 based on Law No. 33 of 2024 concerning Halal Product Guarantee which is enhanced by Law No. 6 of 2023. Sanctions are given in the form of written warnings, administrative fines, and withdrawal of goods from circulation. These sanctions are applied in accordance with the provisions in Government Regulation (PP) Number 39 of 2021. The Halal Product Assurance Organizing Body (BPJPH) urges business actors, especially product categories included in Mandatory Halal October (WHO) 2024, to immediately take care of halal certificates on their products.
The following documents are required for Regular Halal Certification
- Application letter
- Registration form
- Legal aspect: NIB
- Halal Supervisor Document
- Product name list
- List of products and ingredients used
- SJPH manual
- Distribution permit or SLHS (If any)
Halal certification can be through LPH-KHT PP Muhammadiyah.
Halal Is Our Need, Our Quality and Our Choice!