Halal CertificationUpdate

Know the Principle of Halal Product Guarantee System!

Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu

The following is the principle of the Halal Product Guarantee System based on article 2 of Law Number 33 of 2024 concerning Halal Product Guarantee (JPH):

  1. Protection, that in organizing JPH aims to protect the Muslim community from consuming and using non-halal products.
  2. Justice, that in organizing JPH must reflect justice proportionally for every citizen.
  3. Legal Certainty, that the implementation of JPH aims to provide legal certainty regarding the halalness of a product as evidenced by a Halal Certificate.
  4. Accountability and Transparency, that every activity and the final result of the activities of organizing JPH must be accountable to the Community as the highest sovereign holder of the state in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.
  5. Effectiveness and Efficiency, that the implementation of JPH is carried out by orienting towards appropriate and efficient goals and minimizing the use of resources carried out in a fast, simple and light or affordable way.
  6. Professionalism, that the implementation of JPH is carried out by prioritizing expertise based on competence and code of ethics.
  7. Added Value and Competitiveness, that the implementation of JPH is carried out to provide added value for Indonesian products so that they have competitiveness.

Source: halal.indonesia

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