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LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah Visit to the Halal Center of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU) Medan

Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu

LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah represented by Mrs. Ir. Elvina A. Rahayu, MP as Director of Examination and Domestic and Foreign Cooperation made a visit and socialization at the University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU) Medan. Mrs. Elvina’s arrival was welcomed by UMSU Chancellor Prof. Dr. Agussani, MAP represented by Vice Chancellor I UMSU Prof. Dr. Muhammad Arifin, S.H., M.Hum. The gathering was held on Friday (2/19) at the UMSU Auditorium Room, Jalan Mucthar Basri No.3 Medan.

This activity was also attended by the Chairperson of the UMSU Halal Center, Dr. Desi Ardilla, S.P., M.Si. and Deputy Chairperson of the UMSU Halal Center, Mr. Khairil Azmi Nasution, S.H.I., M.A..

Dr. Elvina A. Rahayu, MP was accompanied by the Chairperson of the Halal Center Dr. Desi Ardila and Secretary of the Halal Center Yusriati visited for a casual chat with the theme “Socialization of the Director of Domestic and Foreign Inspection of the Halal Inspection Institute, Halal Studies, Toyyib.” Friday, January 19, 2024.

Previously, Ir. Elvina A. Rahayu, MP conducted socialization at the Main Campus Auditorium of the University of Muhammadiyah North Sumatra with the theme “Socialization of Halal Auditors, Strengthening Internal Auditors of the UMSU Halal Center with the Director of LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah Center.”

In this conversation, the Director provided an understanding to the wider community with his socialization that currently LPH-KHT PP Muhammadiyah has the authority to provide halal labels on products, because this institution is the top one of about 4 institutions that have the right to label halal products both domestically and abroad.

Mrs. Elvina appreciated the existence of Radio Umsu Fm Frequency 91.6Mhz.

The opportunity to educate the wider community, especially the current generation-Z who are already smart in choosing the best products and are wiser in knowing things related to human benefit. Hopefully in the future there will be more people who understand the context of labeling domestic and foreign products.

Halal is Our Need, Our Quality and Our Choice

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