Halal Certification to Increase Competitiveness of MSME Products
Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu
Alhamdulillah, on Tuesday, December 19, 2023 a Halal Workshop was held by the Halal Center of Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo (HC-UMSIDA).
On this occasion, LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah represented by Mrs. Ir. Elvina A. Rahayu, MP as Director of Certification and Domestic & Foreign Cooperation gave a presentation on Halal Product Certification Vs Halal Product Guarantee.

According to Mrs. Ir. Elvina A. Rahayu, MP, halal certification is proof of the application of halal criteria by a business actor. However, halal certification fulfillment is not only limited to when the Halal Certificate is received. Therefore, business actors must maintain their continuity with Amanah so that halal certificates become a guarantee of halal products for consumers.
Furthermore, he also conveyed the important points of implementing Halal Product Guarantee for MSEs.
According to him, commitment is an important point for MSEs in maintaining (Amanah) the halalness of products delivered to consumers. Another important point, namely to maintain the commitment of business actors, is a regulation that favors the existence of our MSEs which are plural in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
Halal is Our Need, Our Quality and Our Choice!