
Appointment of Leadership Members of the Thayyiban Halal Inspection and Halalan Research Institute (LPH-KHT) Muhammadiyah Central Executive for 2022-2027 Term of Office.

Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Decree Number 169/KEP/I.0/D/2023 concerning the Appointment of Leadership Members of the Thayyiban Halal Inspection and Halal Study Institute (LPH-KHT) Muhammadiyah Central Leadership for the 2022-2027 term of office.

The following is the Composition of LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah Leadership Members for the 2022-2027 Term of Office

Expert Council

Prof. Dr. apt. Nurkhasanah, M.Sc

Prof. Dr. Winai Dahlan

Prof. Dr. Ir. Indah Prihartini, MP., IPU

Ir. Sri Wuri Handono, M.App., Sc

Sofiah Muda, S.E., M.M.

Sharia Supervisory Board

Chairman : Prof. Dr. Fathurrahman Jamil

Dr. Asep Supyadillah, M.Ag

Dr. Atiyatul Ulya, M.A

Chairman of LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah: Ir. HM. Nadratuzzaman Hosen, MS, MEc, Ph.D

Deputy Chair I               : Ir. Elvina Agustin Rahayu, MP

Deputy Chairman II          : Ir. Rafik Djunaedi, M.Sc

Deputy Chair III         : Prof. Dr. Ir. Noor Harini, M.S

Deputy Chair IV         : Prof. Dr. Ir. Elfi Anis Saati, M.P

Secretary                   : Ummul Khayrah, S.TP., M.Si

Deputy Secretary       : Vena Meidiana, S.I.Kom

Treasurer                 : Ir. Nabhan Tafsili, MM

Member :

Ir. Amke Wijatman

Dr. Widada Day

Dr. Iman Permana, Ph.D

Ir. Bayu Amiranto Rusman

Muhali Rosidin, S.Si

Dodi Mediawan Widiantoro

Novi Kurnianto, S.T.P

Khalida Syifa, S.Si

Khoiroh Inda Dini, S.TP

Zahrah Qolbaina Ariybah, S.Sc

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