
Forgot How to Pray Tarawih? Let’s remember!

Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu

As a night prayer, Tarawih prayer can be done after Isha’ prayer or in the middle of the night. Tarawih prayer or Qiyamu Ramadan is basically the same as Tahajud and Qiyamul Lail.

Is the number of rak’ahs the same?

According to a Sahih Hadīth, the number of Rak’ahs of the Tarawih prayer is eleven, the same as that of the night prayer or Tahajjud.

Abu Salamah Ibn ‘Abd ar-Rahman (narrated) that he asked ‘A’ishah about how the Prophet prayed in Ramadan. ‘Aishah replied: He prayed in Ramadan – and in other months – no more than eleven rakat.

There are two ways of praying Tarawih, namely:

  1. 4-4-3 Tarawih Prayer

    First, Muhammadiyah uses the 4-4-3 formation based on the hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from the mother of ‘Aisha radhiallahu’anha which reads:

    “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) never prayed more than eleven rakat in Ramadan and other months. He prayed four rakat and you should not ask how good and beautiful it was. Then he prayed another four Rak’ahs, and don’t ask him how beautiful and long they were. Then he prayed three rakat (Witr).

    2. Tarawih prayer 2-2-2-2-1

    The next option Muhammadiyah uses the formation 2-2-2-2-2 plus one iwtir based on the hadith narrated by Muslim from the Companion Ibn Abbas which reads:

    “I stood next to the Messenger of Allah, then the Messenger of Allah placed his right hand on my head and held my right ear and examined it. Then the Messenger of Allah prayed two rakat then two rakat again, then two rakat again, and then two rakat, then the Messenger of Allah prayed Witr, then the Messenger of Allah slept sideways until Bilal called the call to prayer. So the Messenger of Allah got up and prayed two short Rak’ahs, then went to perform the Fajr prayer.

    Hopefully useful.

    Source: muhammadiyah.or.id

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