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Who is Involved in the Halal Certification Process?

Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu

The halal certification process is an important step for business actors who want to ensure that their products meet the halal standards set by the authorized institution. In Indonesia, this process is regulated by BPJPH. Apart from this institution, there are several other parties who play a role in ensuring that the products marketed are safe, quality, and in accordance with the provisions of Islamic law.

The following are the parties involved in the halal certification process:


    BPJPH is a government agency responsible for organizing halal product guarantees. BPJPH plays a role in facilitating and supervising the halal certification process carried out by an accredited Halal Inspection Body (LPH).

    The duties and roles of BPJPH:

    1. Provide halal product registration facilities for business actors
    2. Coordinating with the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) for verification and halal fatwa.
    3. Issuing halal certificates after the product is declared halal through a halal fatwa hearing by the MUI Fatwa Commission (in the form of a halal decree).

    Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI)

    MUI is an institution that provides halal fatwa based on halal audits conducted by LPH. Halal fatwa from MUI is the basis for issuing halal certificates by BPJPH.

    Tasks and roles of MUI:

    1. Providing halal fatwa through LPH for every product submitted for halal certification.
    2. Guarantee that the certified product is in accordance with the principles of Islamic law.
    3. LPH

    LPH is an institution accredited by BPJPH to conduct halal audits of raw materials, production processes, and production facilities to ensure that a product meets the established halal standards. LPH plays an important role in conducting technical inspections and providing audit reports to MUI.

    Business Actors

    Business Actors are individuals or business entities in the form of legal entities or not legal entities that carry out business activities in the territory of Indonesia.

    Business Actors who apply for a Halal Certificate must:

    1. Provide information correctly, clearly, and honestly
    2. Separate the location, place, and means of slaughter, processing, storage, packaging, distribution, sale, and presentation between Halal and non-halal Products.
    3. Have a halal supervisor
    4. Report changes in ingredient composition to BPJPH.

    Halal Auditor

    Halal Auditor is a person who has the ability to check the halalness of the Product. Halal Auditors are appointed and dismissed by LPH. Halal Auditor can only be appointed and registered at 1 (one) LPH.

    Contact Us

    Telepon: 081211003241
    Alamat: Jl. Menteng Raya No. 62

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