
LPH-KHT Muhammadiyah Invites Studentpreneurs for Halal Certification at the MCEBI Event at Muhammadiyah University Jakarta

Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu

Muhammadiyah Center for Entrepreneurship and Business Incubator (MCEBI) which was founded by 30 Business Incubator and Entrepreneurship Institutions of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Universities (PTMA) held the Inauguration of the MCEBI Management and Business Clinic for the period 2023-2025. The event was held in a hybrid manner on Wednesday, February 28, 2024.

The MCEBI event was entitled Studentpreneurs In Facing Challenges and Opportunities In The Era of Society 5.0 and was held at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Education, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta (FIP UMJ).

In the event Prof. Ir. HM. Nadratuzzaman Hosen, MS, MEc, Ph.D as Chairman of LPH-KHT PP Muhammadiyah was present as a guest speaker. On this occasion he said that students must produce products according to market needs, not just based on the trend of having a business. Not only that, the products produced must be halal certified. In this activity, participants were representatives from PTMA throughout Indonesia consisting of students, incubator administrators and coaches, incubator tenants, invited guests from the academic community and PP Muhammadiyah.

UMJ Rector Prof. Dr. Ma’mun Murod, M.Si said that UMJ became one of the pioneers in the formation of MCEBI. UMJ makes entrepreneurship a compulsory course for students as a form of University support.

Endang Rudiatin, chairman of MCEBI said that this Business Clinic is an annual agenda which was previously with practicing entrepreneurs, this time with academics to determine the future incubation model. Society 5.0 is about integrating technology into our lives in a smarter, more humane and sustainable way. Endang proclaimed that next year MCEBI will focus on creating service product businesses that rely on soft skills in their business.

Meanwhile Prof. Bambang Setiaji said that studentpreneurs should not only produce culinary products as many are in restaurants but start building businesses with scientific development obtained during college, for example medical students do not have to produce culinary products but open a consulting business or analysis for complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, managing others, emotional intelligence, judgment and decision making, being able to negotiate, and other soft skills.

Halal Is Our Need, Our Quality and Our Choice!

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