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WINE WITHOUT ALCOHOL / HALAL WINE. Can it be Halal Certified?

Wine or Red Wine is an alcoholic beverage made from the fermentation of grapes. In Islamic Shari’ah, wine is a drink that is forbidden to consume, everything that intoxicates a little or a lot, it is still forbidden.

Based on the MUI fatwa, Number 4 of 2003 concerning Standardisation of Halal Fatwa, states that:

  1. It is not permissible to consume and use names and / or symbols of food / drinks that lead to kufr and falsehood.
  2. It is not permissible to consume and use names and / or symbols of food / drinks that lead to the names of haraam objects / animals, especially pork and khamr, except those that have been traditionalised (‘urf) and certainly do not contain haraam elements such as the names of meatballs, noodles, bakwan, bakpia and bakpao.
  3. It is not permissible to consume and use ingredients for food/beverage components that produce the flavour of haraam objects or animals, such as pork-flavoured instant noodles, bacon flavour, etc.
  4. It is not permissible to consume food/beverages that use the names of haraam food/beverages such as whisky, brandy, beer, etc.

Then wine without alcohol is a product of tasyabbuh or resembling products that are forbidden in Islam. This means that wine without alcohol, even though it is claimed to be without alcohol, cannot be declared halal.

If registering for halal certification, the mechanism used is Regular, not Self Declare, because wine or red wine products are included in the class of fermented products and are very critical.

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