
Do You Want Your Worship To Be Perfect? Let’s Start Taking Care of Health!

Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu

Do you agree that health is a blessing that is often overlooked?

‘There are two pleasures that many people are deceived, namely the blessing of health and leisure time.” (HR. Bukhari No. 6412, from Ibn ‘Abbas).

In the hadith the Prophet has mentioned, that humans often neglect the blessings of health and leisure. If you have not fallen ill, humans often do not realize how to be grateful for the health that Allah SWT gives.

Maintaining health is the same as doing good deeds, because it maintains the gifts and mandates of Allah SWT.

How to be grateful for healthy favors?

Maintaining healthy favors as a form of gratitude to Allah SWT can be done by managing your lifestyle and eating a good diet.

In addition to making efforts to stay healthy, as a form of being grateful for healthy blessings is to take advantage of healthy physical and psychological conditions to worship as a form of piety to the Creator and do good deeds that will bring rewards and benefit the surrounding.

Don’t let us regret the opportunity given by Allah after illness approached this life!

In a healthy condition, we can do many things easily and everything feels good. Worship feels comfortable, work is given smoothness, even to relax and vacation will feel very pleasant.

In addition to maintaining health, a Muslim must also maintain a diet by eating halal and thayyib foods.


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