Halal FatwasNewsUpdate

What is the ruling on thread implantation for beauty and facial treatment?

Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu

Did you know, the development of medical technology has become more sophisticated, one of which is thread implantation. Thread implantation for beauty and facial care is widely practiced by the community with a variety of purposes, materials used, and the effects caused.

Before you do thread implantation, find out first the law of thread implantation for beauty and facial care!

The word of Allah SWT in Surah At-Tin and Al-Sajdah which explains that Allah SWT has created man in the best possible form:

“Indeed We have created man in the best possible form”. (QS. Al-Tin [95]: 4) “Who made everything He created in the best possible way and Who began the creation of man from the ground”. (QS. Al-Sajdah [32]: 7)

Explanation of Thread Lift

Thread lift is a beauty technique that inserts foreign objects in the form of small threads into the body to stimulate collagen production that makes the face tighter and firmer.

According to the Indonesian Association of Dermatologists (Perdoski), thread implantation is used to treat sagging skin (provoke collagenesis reaction activity), so that the skin becomes better.

The thread used is the thread used for surgical operations (in some time lost due to colagenogenesis). These threads can stimulate collagen. It makes the life longer.

Threads can be used to shape the nose, slim the face, thin or thicken the lips, and are temporary.

The Law of Thread Lifting for Beauty and Facial Care

  1. Any thread implantation that is used to alter Allah’s creation, such as to make the nose bigger, make the face thinner, thin or thicken the lips, and/or for purposes that are prohibited by shar’i law, is haraam.
  2. Thread implantation used for beauty and maintenance such as smoothing facial wrinkles or rejuvenating the skin on the face, is permissible under the following conditions: it is not contrary to the objectives of sharee’ah, such as causing temptation to others; using halal and pure ingredients; not harmful to self, others, and/or the environment; and performed by competent and trustworthy experts.
  3. Yarn planting that results in harm (dlarar), deception (tadlis), dependence (idman), or things that are forbidden, is haraam.

Hope this is useful.

Halal is Our Need, Our Quality and Our Choice!

Source: Fatwa MUI Number 40 of 2020

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