Types of Food and Beverage Products with Processing that Must be Halal Certified.

Assalamu’alaikum Sobat Halal-Mu
The following types of food and beverage products with processing are required to be Halal Certified.
- Restaurant
Definition of Restaurant is a commercially managed food and beverage service provider, also equipped with equipment for the process of making, storing and serving.
Examples, conventional restaurants, fast food restaurants, all you can eat restaurants, franchise restaurants, restaurants that have branches and others.
- Canteen/Cafeteria
Canteen/cafeteria is a business (place) conducted by the school to provide services to students or other school elements who need healthy food and drinks, so that teaching and learning activities at school can achieve maximum goals.
For example, school canteens, faculty or university canteens, office canteens, dormitory canteens, shopping center employee canteens and others.
- Restaurant
Restaurant according to Marsum W.A (2005) the definition of a restaurant is a place or building organized commercially, which provides good service to all guests, both in the form of eating and drinking activities.
For example, Padang restaurants, buffet restaurants, fast food restaurants and others.
- Food Stalls
Food stalls are small-scale businesses that sell food.
For example, home-based food stalls, tegal stalls, pemalang stalls and others.
- Food Stall
Food stalls or food outlets are generally temporary structures used to prepare and sell food to the public, usually when large groups of people are outdoors in parks, night markets, near stadiums or other places.
For example, lamongan stall, pecel lele stall, fried rice stall, satay stall, chicken noodle stall and others.
- Food Services / Catering
Catering services are food and beverage services equipped with equipment and supplies for the process of making, storing, and serving, to be served at the location desired by the customer.
1) Catering services for a certain period, for example the provision of food and beverages in certain facilities (Hajj catering, dormitories, companies, public transportation, correctional institutions and others.
2) Catering Services for a certain event, for example the provision of food and drinks for the general public, based on certain events (weddings, celebrations, concerts and others).
Source : Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal on instagram @halal.indonesia